Monday, February 19, 2007


Well, sorry for the recent lackage of updates. School and work have kept me too busy to really work on Chapter 1. I have advanced a little further than where I was at my last post... but only a litte further.

The above image is from "Ninjai," a flash cartoon created by the Ninjai Gang. Just to be clear, I did not create Ninjai, nor do I have anything to do with it. I wish I did. But I don't. For me, it's inspiration and motivation. This gang is incredibly skilled. You should check out their Web site.


Chelsey said...

You have an amazing talent...I'm impressed. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Matthew said...

Damn... I mean, this is just incredible...

space cowboy said...

I really like your Prince of Banes story. can't wait for more! Ninjai rocks too!